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由香港經港珠澳大橋來往澳門 七人車點對點接送服務 單程只需港幣$4500起 - Golden Promise Travel Agency Co. 品樂旅行社
No Traffic Hassle! Convenient 7-Seater Vehicle Door to Door Service!
七人車點對點接送服務 省卻交通堵塞的困擾 令客人更方便快捷來往香港及澳門

The Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macau Bridge (HZMB)is a 55-kilometre bridge–tunnel system links three major cities Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macau, which are geographically close but separated by water. With the bridge in place, travelling time between Zhuhai, Macau and Hong Kong would cut down to about 1 hour on the road.

7-seater Vehicle(One Way) 7人車(單程)
Hong Kong <-> Macau
香港 <-> 澳門

Service Hours 服務時間: 08:00-20:00

Terms & Conditions 條款及細則
- Blackout Dates:22-26Dec; 31Dec, 2018
- 不適用日子: 2018年12月22-26日; 12月31日
- Additional fee will be charged if you require transfer service not within service hours
- Surcharge will be applied for waiting time
- 等候時間需另收附加費
- Use a 7-seater vehicle
- 接送服務使用7人車
- Max. of 6 guests travel together with very light luggage or no luggage is allowed
- 每車最多可供6位乘客使用,每位可攜帶一件輕便行李
- Max 5 guests are recommended to ensure guest enjoys a comfortable transfer service
- 為確保客人舒適,每車建議5人乘坐
- 4 guests with max 4 check-in size luggage are accepted
- 可接受4位乘客及4件符合尺寸的手提行李
- Reservation made is subject to space availability
- 此優惠根據預訂時供應情況而定
- Golden Promise Travel Agency Co. reserves the right to revise, cancel, suspend or modify this offer at its sole discretion, and without prior notice
- 優惠需按指定條款, 如有任何爭議, 依品樂旅行社之最終決定為準

電話: (852) 2739 4296    傳真: (852) 2369 4287    電郵: [email protected]